Cargill Enterprises - Doing business with a social purpose
Come harvest time, one of the most important aspects that often sits behind the scenes is the transporting of the cherries from orchard to packhouse. The majority of orchards use fruit bins to help ensure that the produce from various orchards isn’t mixed up; important when our point of difference is critical for our consumers and growers.
Late last year orchard manager Euan White researched and approached a unique business with a fantastic social purpose - Cargill Enterprises, that offers a variety of products and services including fruit bins.
Employing over 80 staff with some form of disability, Cargill Enterprises is part of the Disabled Citizens Society (Otago) Inc, and Aotearoa Disability Enterprises (A.D.E). They embrace the principles of Enabling Good Lives by providing a unique training environment that facilitates social and professional growth.
Their mission is to create a real work environment that prepares their employees for the challenges of the workplace and unlocks the potential of people with disabilities, empowering them to live purposeful lives through gainful employment.
One of the business units they run is the production of cherry bins, fitting in perfectly with NZ0’s business and values. Built to last, not only do they provide an opportunity for people with some form of disability, they make the best bins in the business. All leading to the opportunity for NZ0 to order 20 fruit bins, as well as several picnic tables for use in and around the orchard.
Of note is that Cargill Enterprises offers a variety of products and services other than fruit bins. We’d encourage anyone with business requirements around the gardening, agriculture and services space (food packing, mail dispatch, commercial sewing etc) to reach out and get in touch with their sales team and discuss what possibilities there are to work together, or visit their website to see what else Cargill Enterprises offers.