
NZ0 & Rewiring Aotearoa CEO Mike Casey on RNZ
NZ0 & RA CEO Mike Casey talks about electrification, and the benefits and challenges we face as a population across various media outlets.
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Trialling an 11T Electric Truck
Trialling an 11T Electric Truck During our 2022/23 cherry harvest, we had the opportunity to trial an 11T electric truck and push our zero fossil fuel use past the farm gate to the packhouse and fu...
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The world's first electric foliage sprayer. If you can't source it, make it.
The world's first electric foliage sprayer. If you can't source it, make it. As part of our continuing commitment to zero fossil fuel food production and farming we have recently developed two vita...
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Viewing NZ's first electric tractor at the Monarch Factory.
Viewing NZ's first electric tractor at the Monarch Factory. NZ0 had the privilege to view and experience one of the pilot tractor vehicles we anticipate to have delivered to our orchard early 2023.
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Environmental changes are spreading within the New Zealand cherry growing community
Environmental changes are spreading within the New Zealand cherry growing community. It’s a triple win - for the growers, staff, and the environment.
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