NZ0 'Summer of Cherries'. Online preordering of export grade cherries now available.
NZ0 online preordering of export grade cherries now available.
We are excited to announce that we have launched the NZ0 'Summer of Cherries'. Our online platform allows New Zealand customers to purchase export grade, Central Otago cherries and have them delivered directly to their door.
Why have we launched this platform? From the beginning we have set out to make a difference and explore new, climate conscious methods. These include:
Export grade produce direct to New Zealanders.
Too often across the agricultural industry, the premium picks of the crop are harvested, packed and sent overseas. Kiwi’s are left with second (or third) grade produce that is still sold at high market values.
Plain and simple, we believe kiwis should be able to get the best of what NZ produces, delivered to their door.
Climate & Emission reductions
By selling direct to the NZ consumer, we reduce our emissions and carbon footprint. We have always been transparent about how logistics are the thorn in our side emissions wise, but by removing the need to have our cherries sent on long haul flights overseas, we will significantly remove our carbon footprint from grower to customer.
We are also developing a partnership with a global trucking company to lease an electric truck during our harvest and delivery period. This will allow us to deliver our cherries from orchard to the regional Queenstown Lakes District and Central Otago district without the use of any fossil fuels.
While a small step, it is a significant one and is part of the building blocks of how our future model will operate. We are determined to continue exploring, learning and refining this process towards zero fossil fuels across the whole journey from orchard to customer.
Grower return & customer freshness
We have strived since the beginning to set up a model that lessens grower risk, and increases grower profit. By selling direct to the consumer, a larger portion of the profits are returned to the grower, while the customer receives fresh produce. A win-win situation for all involved.
Grower risk & assurance
By selling direct to consumer, a larger portion of the risk is negated, with assurance provided to the grower that (some, if not all of) their cherries already have a home. While this doesn’t guarantee an income due to common growing risks (ie weather, pests etc) it still goes a long way towards the grower having confidence that their produce has a home, and will not be sold for less than it’s worthwhile value.
Being part of the change
The above points are important from a grower and climate perspective, but we also want to have our customers contribute, and be part of the change. By preordering cherries through our online portal they can help be part of this movement.
Preorder & delivery options
We currently are offering 1KG, 2KG, 5KG & 10KG options. There is also the opportunity for larger, corporate orders and quantities and we ask interested parties to reach out via our contact form online should they wish to discuss this further.
We are also offering the opportunity for customers to pick up their order in person from Forest Lodge orchard in Central Otago. Customers that choose this option will be invited to an open day (TBC Saturday 7th January 2023) where they will be taken on a guided tour by NZ0 CEO Mike Casey, and Orchard Manager Euan White, view our infrastructure, discuss our methodology and finish up with their order of delicious, zero fossil fuel cherries.
We’re looking forward to the opportunity to share our export grade cherries with our kiwi customers that continue to be part of the change. Orders can be placed online via our dedicated online platform at https://market.nz0.com/ or via our central site NZ0.com.